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Summer Health Guide: Tips and Precautions for a Safe and Enjoyable Season

best diabetic specialist in miyapur Summer Health Guide: Tips and Precautions for a Safe and Enjoyable Season summer blog

Summer Health Guide: Tips and Precautions for a Safe and Enjoyable Season

Summer is just round the corner, or should we say that summer is already here. As always, change of season advocates a few precautions and change in diet and other routines. Some of the tips for summer are:

1. Eat right and healthy: One should choose properly as to what kind of food to be eaten. Eat light food and more frequently. Vegetables and fruits that contain high water content should be consumed. Like watermelon, oranges, sweet lime etc. Good amount of liquid intake is a must during summer months – atleast 3 litres per day. It could be plain water, coconut water , juices, buttermilk etc. Also frequent intake of high protein diet should be avoided as it increases the body metabolism and increases heat.

2. Avoid street food: It is very tempting to eat outside food/ street food like pani puri , chaat etc. But this can be detrimental and cause infections in the form of diarrhea , jaundice etc. Sometimes these infections get so severe that one may require hospitalization for treatment. Also they are not stored properly and can lead to severe infections.

3. Avoid workouts during the hot hours. Preferably plan your workout regime to early hours in the mornings or late evenings. If you workout in the hot hours , it will increase your body temperature.

4. Stay indoors: Please take care not in indulge in outdoor activities during the summer months. Try to stay indoors as much as possible. Even if you have to go outside; protect yourself well. Usage of hats or umbrellas is a must. Wearing sunglasses to protect your eyes from the harsh sun definitely helps. Wearing a good sunscreen on the exposed parts of the skin protects it from sunburn and skin cancers.

5. Avoid alcohol and caffeine: Beverages like alcohol and caffeine tend to cause dehydration fast in the summer months. Hence it is advisable to avoid these drinks. Instead; drinking water, juices , coconut water, buttermilk etc adequately helps in maintaining the hydration of the body.

6. Common summer disease: Some of the common diseases we encounter in summer are:

  • Sunburn – Use proper sunscreen
  • Food poisoning- Avoid street food to prevent this.
  • Typhoid: One gets affected by typhoid fever due to contaminated food and water.
  • Jaundice: hepatitis a infection may lead to this. Usually spreads due to contaminated food and water.
  • Heatstroke: Symptoms of these may range from high fever, severe dehydration, refractory vomiting , and also lead to coma if medical attention is not sought.
  • Viral infections: Chicken pox, mumps etc are commonly seen.

So why do we have so many infections in summer months- because this climate helps viruses and bacteria to survive well and cause infections. Hence we should be extra careful. Even at home- we should cover food properly. Food tends to get spoil very soon in summer, hence proper refrigeration of food is essential. Avoid eating stale food.

6. Travel tips during:

  • Carry light clothes , preferably cotton and light colours. Dark colours absorb heat and raise our body temperature.
  • Consume lots of liquids.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables which can hydrate your body well like tomatoes, oranges, watermelon etc.
  • Use proper protection for eyes, sunscreens, hats and umbrellas.

Take preventive steps and take care of yourself and your family health this summer.


Article by

Dr. Kiranmayi Pagadala

MBBS, DNB(Gen. Medicine)
Consultant Physician, Diabetes & Thyroid Specialist

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